Exercises for the health of respiratory organs


Exercises for the health of respiratory organs

At a time, when there is a bigger chance of falling ill with a respiratory disease, there has to be a big emphasis put on cautionary activities. Even if the illness has already gone, these exercises help in the recovery process. 

The offered exercises below can be done not only with parents at home, but also at the kindergarten. 

Exercises with blowing out air

For the respiratory health useful exercises are the ones that involve blowing out air: it can be blowing a feather from one corner of the room to the other, blowing torn paper pieces into one square, with a straw blowing bubbles in a water glass. The exercises have to be short with breaks in between them so that children do not get dizzy. One of the most classic exercises in this category is blowing soap bubbles outside. This exercise within it includes blowing out air, moving, jumping and laughter. These kinds of exercises prolong the phase of exhaling, develops ventilation of lungs and clears out bronchial tubes. 

Exercises with jumping

Invite children to jump together! You can jump from one corner of the room to the other or jumping and staying at the same place all the time. With jumping you can also play out different scenarios, for example, the child can pretend to be a little pigeon or a chick, that is looking for seeds. Jumping encourages expectorationing and betters the circulation of blood through respiratory organs. 

Exercises with throwing 

You can also play around with throwing, where an object has to be lifted over one’s head and then thrown. You can throw a balloon, a ball, a rolled up paper or a stuffed doll or animal. The most important thing is that the object is soft and it can be catched easily. If there are multiple players you can stand in a circle and throw the object from one person to another, however, if there is a possibility to safely go outside, you can try to see how far you can throw the object. This exercise helps with expectorationing from bronchial tubes and bettering ventilation in the lungs. 

Exercises with stretching 

Some of the best exercises are with stretching, because then you can open up your upper body and stretch, therefore opening up your chest and letting the air get into your lungs. One of these exercises goes like this: you need to be standing still, then stretch trying to touch your toes, go as low as possible, then slowly stand back up and put your arms over your head. Another valuable exercise is where a child lies down on a mat on his or her back, then with their feet clatch a toy put near them and then try to stretch their legs over their head and put the toy in a basket put there. These and other exercises that involve stretching will also help with expectorationing from bronchial tubes and bettering ventilation in the lungs. 

A little massage 

A child’s back can be massaged – invite the child to lie down on a pillow on their stomach, so that their upper body is tilted a bit downwards. Then you can perform a gentle massage, for example, softly with your fists tap their back. That can promote chest drainage, and improves circulation in the chest. If there are many kids, you can ask them to sit in a circle and tap each other’s backs. During this exercise children can also say out loud different vowels. 


Nothing is better than true laughter. Not only does it require deep inhales and rich exhales, but it also betters everyone’s mood and doubles the positive energy around you. If the child likes it, you can tickle him or her a little bit. You can also tell them age appropriate jokes or funny events. Smaller children usually react well to funny scenarios played out with dolls. 

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