Trails of feel indoors


Trails of feel indoors

Recently trails of feel, that are made outside (in forests and parks) have gained a lot of popularity. We have found a way, how to make them inside as well.

Trails of feel is an excellent way how to massage and activate children’s feet. To make a trail of feel, you need small, low boxes (the perfect size is 50x50cm). Then they are put in a row (you can leave spaces in between them) and filled with different materials.

Ideas for materials, that can be put in these boxes:

  • torn up paper;
  • pieces of fabric;
  • beans;
  • chestnuts or acorns;
  • balls of glass;
  • hay or straws;
  • 15cm long sticks;
  • warm water;
  • foam rubber;
  • bubble wrap, etc.

In any space in between the boxes you can put the plane, that Lego can be built on, which will activate the feet as well.

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