Let’s get to know the seasons! Autumn + pumpkin muffin recipe


Let’s get to know the seasons! Autumn + pumpkin muffin recipe

Even though for us, the adults, it seems obvious that in the autumn tree’s leaves change color, sun doesn’t warm us as much as it used to and everything gets colder, for a kid it is something new. The understanding that seasons change and every season in different from one another comes slowly for a kid. Get to know autumn with exercises and games! 

Trees and plants in autumn
Colorful paper, scissors, glue and a base – create your own autumn nature exposition! Before creating your artwork, go to the playground or park to observe, how, when the seasons change, nature changes too: leaves are changing color, some of them already fall to the ground, etc. Everyone can decide which tree to create from the colorful paper they have back at the kindergarten. After this walk, the creative ideas will be flowing!

A game – find it in nature!
Every child gets a page with pictures on it, where you can see different things you can usually find in nature (and your playground), for example, one big and one small pine cone, a yellow tree leaf, three acorns, a chestnut, that hasn’t split yet, etc. Before going outside, everyone needs to prepare a box or basket, where to put all of the things they find. When all of the children have finished the task, it’s time to show their findings to each other. From the collected things you can create collages later on. 

Research and tree leaf artwork 
The chestnuts, that haven’t split yet, can become your own objects of research. All of these chestnuts have to be put together somewhere in the class, so that all of the kids can observe them on day to day basis and see how they gradually split. The colorful leaves can be used for artwork as well – put them on a blank paper and then with yellow, red and orange paint paint over the leafs in a way, that when you take them off, you see the contour of the leaf – while the middle of the leaf will stay blank, the whole background will be colorful. 

Pumpkin muffin
You can’t imagine autumn without it’s big, colorful barry – pumpkin! There are parents, who worry that their kid does not eat pumpkins. Will the same happen, if they are a part of a pumpkin cake baking?  Kids can participate in the preparation of dough and after that you can ask, if the cooks in the kitchen could put it in the oven. 
200g grated pumpkin 
3 eggs
200g sugar 
1 spoon honey 
2 spoons semolina
1 spoon potato flour 
100g oil 
2 packs of cottage cheese 
1 teaspoon soda 
At first you mix the eggs – mix them together with sugar, semolina, honey and potato flour. Mix it all together carefully. 
Add cottage cheese and grated pumpkin, mix it all together. 
Pour in the oil and then add the soda and flour. 
Add flour as much as needed, so that the mix is thick, but still dripping. 
The finished mix pour in the muffin forms and sprinkle cinnamon on top, with circle motions stir it in. 

While the muffins are baking, you can talk to the kids about why the pumpkin is healthy. 

Photo: Shutterstock.com

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