Tasks for the physical and mental development of a child


Tasks for the physical and mental development of a child

Anything around us can be used to promote the development of a child. Playing in the snad or grasping pieces of grass. Deevelopment can be promoted by organising your toys as well. 

Various games and tasks contribute to speech development, finger agility, mind and imagination development, immersion in your senses, hearing development, concentration capacity and many other senses. It depends on the particular didactic game or task the child is dealing with. In order to follow the development of child’s senses, look at a few games for different senses.

The first game for the development of concentration capacity and the agility of fingers:
There will be a few toilet rolls, small pieces of wood, thatg hold ice cream, and colours to paint rollers and pieces of wood. Each roll shall be painted in a different colour. Ice cream bits are colored, in the pattern of five in yellow, eight in blue etc. Each colour roller shall bear the number of the corresponding colours for which it is intended. The child performs the task by placing the right colored pieces of wood in the right colored rollers (and the exact number that is written on the roller). 

Second game for the development of feelings and feelings:
You will need a roll of paper or simply put together A5-size sheets, finger paints, or colors that are especially suitable for children. The paint is poured in a bucket or in a larger bowl in which a foot can be dipped. The child’s job: by dipping your feet in color, walking around the lined paper, creating a shape or simple drawing, such as a circle, a square, a flower etc. For this purpose and for the development of the feel, it is also possible to use the bubbles pulled on to the child’s feet, dipped in the colour of the feet and draw on the page.

A third game for finger agility, hearing development and concentration ability:
You need a closed bottle, pasta, or peas. The child’s job is to fill a bottle of pasta or peas up to the marked line. When filled, the bottle is screwed and used as a music instrument in the listening game. The teacher counts the words “Steady, Ready, Go,” after which a child begins to beat the rhythm with his musical instrument. But the teacher’s job is to study whether a child listens to words, calling the next time, for example, “Attention, Ready, Flight!”, after which the child’s job is not to start beating.

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