Christmas sayings that children will find interesting


Christmas sayings that children will find interesting

Christmas is a time of light, love and being together. One of the activities that can be carried out with children, is introducing them to different sayings and superstitions.  

Beliefs are old lessons and observations, but we must remember that they won’t always come true. However, you can have a good time with them, later figuring out how much truth lies in them!

Observe the time

If Christmas is green, a white Easter is expected.
If it snows at Christmas, it will be a cold spring.
If there is a lot of snow around Christmas, very hot weather is expected around the Summer Solstice.
If there is snowfall at Christmas, there will be a lot of honey next year.
If the sky was starry on Christmas night, there would be a good harvest next year, while the overcast sky promises a bad harvest.

About luck, health, happiness

Have to keep bread, salt and fire on the table on Christmas Eve, then the next year will be holy.
On Christmas Eve, you have to run barefoot three times around the house so your teeth don’t hurt.
You have to eat peas at Christmas so you don’t have to cry next year. The peas must not be left over – how many uneaten peas, that many tears have not been cried.
On Christmas Eve, you have to stop work early so that next year the work goes smoothly. 
On Christmas Eve you have to light all the lights, so Happiness sees where to go. 

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