An activity for the children: let’s find the similarities and the differences


An activity for the children: let’s find the similarities and the differences

It is important to develop the understanding on how similar and how different people can be from an early age. That’s why we offer a game, that will let the children see and observe everyone around them.

The game is really simple – children stand around the room, the teacher calls out different characteristics and the children have to find someone with a similar characteristic, or someone with a different one.


  • Find someone, whose hair is as long as yours
  • Find someone, who has the same color in his or her clothes, as you do
  • Find someone, who also is a girl or a boy
  • Find someone, who is from the opposite sex
  • Find someone, who is shorter or taller than you
  • Find someone, who likes to play
  • Find someone, who has a sister or a brother

The task can be made a bit harder, if they don’t have to make a pair, but a trio.

It is important to highlight to the kids, that this game doesn’t have winners or losers. It’s only purpose is to show, how all of us have our similarities and differences.

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