The researchers of money


The researchers of money

Unusual, but interesting perspective of cultures children can get from getting aquatinted to different currencies. We all know how children like playing “stores”, but another way how to get to know these different currencies is by researching them. 

One thing is to know that money can be both paper and coin, but there are other things to research – which images can be seen on it? What have the people, who are on money, done? What are the other things that can be seen on money? What are the differences and similarities in between different currencies? While searching for these answers, children will definitely learn more about the cultures. 

What to start with:

  • You can ask, if someone can bring a coin or paper-money from home, that has been saved from a trip.
  • Children can research this money in groups and later on tell everyone about their conclusions.
  • You can play a game, in which you have to guess what you can buy using that money?

Of course, you can make it into a game from the very beginning. It can be done as a scavenger hunt, where they find coins and they have to guess which country they come from. After finding the right answer they get the instructions on how to find the next coin. At the end there is a prize waiting for them. 

While teaching children about money, the teacher can also discuss the topic of euro and how different nations have different looking euro cents and why is that. 

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