An expert from Iceland praises the quality of food in Latvia’s kindergartens


An expert from Iceland praises the quality of food in Latvia’s kindergartens

In between parents and experts there is always the question, whether or not children in kindergarten get healthy and qualitative food.

During the “Norplus” project “Responsible lifestyle” a representative from the kindergarten in Iceland- Hildur Helga Saevarsdottir visited kindergartens in Norway and in Latvia and concluded, that it is always important to talk more about healthy eating with parents. It is important to educate parents further and have discussions on the topic.

The observations of Hildur Helga Saevarsdottir confirm that the food, that is being served in the kindergartens of Iceland in healthy. It is as healthy as the food served in Latvia, where she highlights the good practice of the freedom of choice for children, because during lunch they can eat both the soup, and the main dish. The system is different in Norway, because they don’t have employees, who actually make the food and processed foods are used more frequently (for example, sausages).

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